The Articles of Dragon: "Even Orcish is Logical"
6 hours ago
The shadowed Halls of Ogul-Duhr slumber 'neath the cold, harsh, jagged peaks of the Goblin Mountains. Once the lair of a proud race of mountain dwarves, the Halls are now almost in ruin. Since the dwarves left the mountain, adventurers have explored the deep caverns in search of dwarven gold, and some have found great riches. However, recent travellers' tales speak of an evil Gorgon that has claimed the Halls of Ogul-Duhr for her own, turning to unliving stone anyone foolish enough to enter. Still, rumours persist that the Halls are rich in gold, silver and gemstones, discarded by the dwarves. Some say that there are also magical dwarven weapons and armour in the deepest caverns. The Halls await you, filled with treasure and mortal peril.
This solo is aimed at beginner warrior characters with no more than 20 Combat Adds. Magic-users may enter, but are handicapped by the arcane enchantments of the caves and may cast only Take That You Fiend and Vorpal Blade spells. Equip yourself with some scrap paper for notes. Important: scribble down the paragraph numbers as you journey, as you may sometimes need to return to a previous paragraph.
Another mini-solo adventure for Tunnels & Trolls from Andy R Holmes and the Tavernmaster team. Edited to be compatible with version 7/7.5 of the T&T rules this classic solo is once again available.
The stranger trying to sell his scroll is a fool! The Halls of Ogul-Duhr hold no mystery now. The old Gorgon was slain months ago and the caves have been picked clean of treasure. You have even heard that Orcs have moved in!
"Ah, to be sure, squire," the stranger agrees, grinning. "Ye foul creature is dead, 'tis true, but this map shows a SECRET entrance, to the Halls that lie BENEATH the upper caves of Ogul-Duhr! For there waits great wealth and magic!"
"Legends of Ogul-Duhr II: The Hidden Halls" is a free solo adventure written by Andy Holmes for all editions of Tunnels & Trolls. It is suitable for beginner characters with no more than 30 combat adds, though magic-users may find their powers restricted by the eldritch nature of the caves.
Long ago the mages of the Skolari Order left the Wizard’s Guild and established a fortress on the shores of the Gray Lake - the Skolari Vaults. The Guild, fearing the growing dark power of the Skolari, laid siege to the Vaults. At the battle’s climax, the Guild wizards uprooted the fortress, bore it aloft, and cast it into the ground upside down! The wizards then buried the ruin beneath tons of rock and soil entombing any survivors.
The years passed and the site of the battle became a grass-covered hill. While little of the Skolari is remembered, the solitary hill on the shore of the Gray Lake is rumored to be a cursed place of great peril. This, of course, draws brave but foolhardy delvers by the dozen. Yet the powerful magic that preserved the Vaults ensured that some of the Skolari survived. Others, drawn by the evil power of the fallen wizards, lie in wait for those that dare to enter...THE SKOLARI VAULTS.
This book is a Game Master-run adventure that includes detailed descriptions and maps to the first two levels of the Skolari Vaults. The Skolari Vaults is suited for a party of four to six first to third level characters with a combined total of 20 to 40 personal adds. A good mix of character types is recommended with at least one wizard and one rogue in the group.
The Skolari Vaults is designed for use with Ken St. Andre’s Tunnels & Trolls™ game system. You will need a copy of the T&T™ rules to play this game.
Special Note: All proceeds earned from the sale of The Skolari Vaults will be donated to the Jeff and Raquel Freels Transplant Fund ( Jeff is a great friend and contributor to the Tunnels & Trolls™ community. Both he and his wife are in need of kidney transplants. Jeff contributed the cover and all of the interior art for this adventure.
The deluxe outdoor adventure in the city of Gull, on the sun-baked isle of Phoron. Meet strange denizens and dangerous foes in this massive solitaire adventure for Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls. Can you uncover the secret that is lurking in the shadows, as you fight for survival in in the streets and buildings of Gull? This longer Deluxe edition of City of Terrors has been updated by Ken St. Andre to be compatible with the new Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls rpg and includes additional options for players and new art, including a gorgeous new color version of the classic Liz Danforth/Rob Carver cover digitally painted by Steve Crompton. For one character of any type, up to 275 adds.
Centuries ago, Yllburn was King of Dragons and scourge of mankind. But the wizards united and turned him to stone. One mercy only they allowed him: that each midsummer he might return to life for one day, putting his mighty powers of enchantment in the hands of his rescuers. Can the adventurers struggle past riddles, trials and puzzles to win their heart's desires on Stone Dragon Solstice?
This GM dungeon is for a handful of low-level characters. It is written for Tunnels & Trolls version 7.5, but is readily adaptable for other editions. Accompanying sound effects are available free on the Tavernmaster Games page of the DriveThru RPG website. Note that this dungeon requires extra materials - fun gimmicks that are fully described in the text - and the GM will need to source these separately.
Many speak in hushed tones of the dark asylum brooding atop Goblin Moors, and of the unspeakable horrors that dwell within. Its sinister Master comes to town for supplies only at night, before his accursed carriage speeds away to the nightmarish building that is Bedlam. People vanish on the moors, and their corpses are found months later - drained of blood!
Recently, new scandal surrounds the asylum: the son of a nobleman disappeared on a hunting trip on the moors. His father has offered a reward for his rescue, but it is believed that the Master has imprisoned him in the asylum for some foul purpose. Will you, brave soul, being of sound mind, pass through the portal of madness into Bedlam?
Bedlam is open to any character up to level 3 with no more than 35 combat adds. Spell-casting does not work in the strange asylum, but magic-users are free to try their luck regardless. This classic solo adventure with over 200 paragraphs is compatible with all versions of Tunnels & Trolls and is here presented at last in its definitive edition.
After his ignominious defeat by the swamp ogre, Brion the Ugly returned to his life of goblin slaying. He got quite good at it actually, and soon increasing his skill as a warrior. He also acquired some better weapons, armor, and friends. He soon began to think back on that ogre. It was still a menace and had grown no less ferocious, so Brion decided to lead his new comrades back to the swamp and confront the ogre once again. With him, Brion brought two other warriors, an archer, and a rogue.
Brion is a 2nd level Warrior. He has a CA of 18 (ST22 DEX16 LK16 SPD16), 22 Personal Adds, and 14 CON. He wears mail armor and carries a kite shield (36 hits total) and a war hammer (5D+1).
Freya and Olaf are two 1st level Warriors. Each has a CA of 14 (ST16 DEX13 LK16 SPD12), 9 Personal Adds, and 11 CON. They wear scale mail and carry heater shields (26 hits total) and broadswords (3D+4).
Horace is a 1st level Warrior. He has a CA of 14 (ST15 DEX16 LK13 SPD12), 8 Personal Adds, and 9 CON. He wears scale mail (16 hits total) and carries a medium bow (4D+0) and a saber (3D+4).
Cirreth is a 1st level Rogue. She has a CA of 10 (ST10 DEX14 LK16 SPD10), 6 Personal Adds, an INT of 14, a WIZ of 12, and 10 CON. She wears soft leather and carries a buckler (8 hits total) and a rapier (3D+4). Cirreth also knows the spells Take That You Fiend and Dem Bones Gonna Rise.
The small band of delvers head into the swamp heading toward the location of the last ogre attack. Brion, Freya, Olaf, and Doria stick to the worn path while Horace stalks the wood line. Soon they come to a clearing and see a horrific site. The ogre is sitting on top a pile of corpses and is munching on what looks like a horse leg. Sitting next to the large ogre is a slightly smaller ogre eating a whole sheep. Both ogres immediately look up and sniff the air; ogres can smell a human from a mile away they say. Rising to their feet, the ogres each pick up a club the size of a tree trunk and roar a challenge at the intruders.
The large swamp ogre has a MR of 50 (CA 38, 6D+25). It's new companion has a MR of 40 (CA 30, 5D+20).
Brion, Freya, and Olaf form up into a line and hold their ground. Horace readies his bow and takes aim while Cirreth prepares her magic.
The ogres bellow and charges the three warriors!
Horace fires his bow at the large ogre before it can reach the line of warriors. He is firing from Easy range so he needs a L2SR on DEX16 to hit. Horace decides to commit 4 Personal Adds to his attack to improve his chance of hitting the ogre; he only needs a 5 to hit. Horace rolls a 9 and hits! The arrow sinks into the side of the ogre dealing (4D+4)=19 points of damage.
Cirreth unleashes a crackling bolt of energy at the large ogre with a shout of "Take That You Fiend!" She needs to make a L1SR on INT14 to successfully cast the spell. She rolls a 9 and succeeds! The bolt hits the large ogre in the chest, staggering the beast with 14 more points of damage.
The large ogre is now down to a MR of 17 before it reaches the line of three warriors. The smaller ogre, however, is still fresh and ready to fight.
The ogres crash into the line of shields. There is a glimmer of recognition in the beasts eyes as the large ogre sees Brion's face. The ogre raises his club to squash the impudent human while its smaller companion focuses it's attention on Freya and Olaf.
Brion (2nd level) needs to make L4SR on CA18 to hit the large ogre and a L3SR to hit the smaller one. Freya and Olaf need to make L5SRs or L4SRs on CA14. The ogres can hit any of the three warriors with a L1SR on CA38 or CA30.
The three warriors break into two units. Freya and Olaf commit their 18 Personal Adds to defend against the smaller ogre. It now needs to roll an 8 or better to hit either one of them. Brion commits all 22 of his Personal Adds to offense in the hopes of taking out the big ogre quickly. He trusts in his armor to save him from the ogre's club. Both Brion and the large ogre now only need to roll a 4 or better to hit each other. Both Freya and Olaf need to roll a 21 or better to hit the smaller ogre.
Brion swings his war hammer tries to crush the large ogre's sternum. He rolls a 9 and hits dealing 23 points of damage!
The large ogre's club comes down hard and smashes through Brion's defenses. He rolled a 10 and dealt (6D+9) 29 points of damage.
Freya and Olaf attack with their broadswords and roll 10 and 6, respectively, but both miss completely.
The smaller ogre attacks (1-3 Freya, 4-6 Olaf) Olaf. Despite their combined defense, the ogre rolls an 8 and hits dealing 37 points of damage to Olaf!
Brion delivers a killing blow to the large swamp ogre. The hulking ogre falls to the ground, pierced by an arrow, blasted by magic, and bludgeoned by a war hammer. The ogre hits Brion hard, but he is able to deflect most of the impact with his shield; the rest is absorbed by his mail. Brion stands in shock. The creature that had slaughtered his comrades not so long ago was now dead. The sound of fighting to his left snaps him out of his reverie.
Both Freya and Olaf fail to hit the smaller ogre. The ogre, however, smashes Olaf with her club. Olaf's armor and shield take much of the force away from the blow, but he is still battered into unconsciousness (Olaf took 11 hits reducing his CON to 0).
Brion moves to support Freya and protect the fallen Olaf. Cirreth prepares to cast TTYF one last time before she is out of energy. Horace, not wanting to risk hitting his comrades, drops his bow and draws his saber. He moves quietly out of the tree line and tries to move up behind the ogre without being noticed.
The smaller ogre, excited over his kill, ignore the loss of his big friend and continues to attack.
Horace tries to move up behind the ogre without being noticed. This requires a L2SR on DEX. Horace rolls a 10 and succeeds. He is now in position to get an open attack on the ogre the next turn.
Cirreth prepares to blast the ogre with a bolt of energy. She needs to make a L1SR on INT14 and rolls a 4. Cirreth's concentration is broken as the ogre bellows and the spell fails.
Freya commits her 9 adds to defend against the ogre while Brion commits 13. The ogre now needs to roll a 12 or better to hit. Brion commits 9 adds to his own attack meaning he needs a 4 or better to hit (L3SR). Freya needs a 21 or better (L4SR).
Brion attacks and rolls a 7, hitting for 17 points of damage.
Freya attacks and rolls a 9, missing.
The ogre attacks (Freya) and rolls an 11, just missing her.
Brion's war hammer strikes again. The smaller ogre is wounded (MR 23), but not down.
The remaining ogre is bleeding heavily and in dire straits, but now has no where to run.
Brion and Frey continue to press the attack. Cirreth has consumed all of her magical energy, so she draws her rapier and joins the melee. Meanwhile, Horace moves up from behind to stab the ogre in the back.
Horace is attacking the unsuspecting ogre from behind, but he needs to make at least a L1SR to hit (things can always go wrong). Horace commits 6 Personal Adds to his attack so that he only needs to roll a 4 or higher leaving 2 for damage. Horace rolls a 38 (five sets of doubles!!!) and hits doing 19 points of damage.
Cirreth throws in her 6 Personal Adds to help defend the group meaning that the ogre now needs to roll an 18 or better to hit. Brion still just needs a 4 or better, Freya a 21 or better, and Cirreth needs a 30 or better.
Brion attacks and rolls a 3! He stumbles over Olaf's outstretched arm and nearly dislocates his shoulder with his awkward swing.
Freya attacks and rolls a 9, missing.
Cirreth lunges forward and rolls a 4, also missing.
The unfortunate ogre rolls a 4 and swings his club far too wide.
The ogre feels a sudden sharp pain in his back as Horace's saber cuts into his flesh. He is now down to a MR of only 4.
Horace joins the general melee throwing his 8 Personal Adds into the defense. The ogre now needs to roll a 26 or better. Horace needs a 21 or better to hit. They are all counting on Brion to finally bring the beast down.
Brion rolls a 10 and hits for 12 points of damage.
Freya, Cirreth, and Horace roll 11, 9, and 9 respectively all missing.
The ogre rolls a 3 and trips before having his skull crushed by Brion's war hammer.
Brion and his comrades are victorious!
For their efforts, Brion earned 96 AP, Freya 166 AP, Olaf 30 AP, Horace 112 AP, and Cirreth 65 AP.
Name: Ulthor the Conjurer
Type: Specialist Mage - Conjuring
Gender: Male
Kindred: Human
Level: 2
STR 12
DEX 13
CON 10
SPD 13
LUK 14
INT 17
WIZ 28
Adds: +4
Talent: History 18 (INT+4), Arcane Symbology 19 (INT+5)
Adventure Points: 15 (795)
Money: 35 gp
Weight Carried/Possible: 352/1200
Spells: Call Flame, Call Water, Dem Bones Gonna Rise, Hold That Pose, Oh-Go-Away, Sparkle, Will-o-Wisp, Spirit Mastery
Weapons: Kukri (2D+5), 2 Banks (2D+3), Common Sling (2D)
Armor: Soft Leather (5 hits)
Equipment: Cotton trousers and shirt, leather belt, hooded cloak, ankle-high hard boots, sling stones, backpack, belt pouch, lantern, 4 flasks of oil, flint and steel, small mirror, parchment (10), quill pen, ink bottle, chalk (10), small sack, water skin, first aid kit